Accounting services Zagreb

13. July 2023. in Zagreb

Accounting services Zagreb

accounting services Zagreb

Bookkeeping deals with the systematic and chronological recording of information on business events in capital, assets and liabilities as an official record of documents, in the area of ​​the city of Zagreb where we provide knjigovodstvene usluge and related activities. Our associates and employees attended relevant institutions for the education of bookkeepers, such as the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, universities and related seminars, among other things, we have over 15 years of experience in bookkeeping for companies of various sizes in Croatia. We analyze your company's operations by collecting financial data in order to financial reports for companies and institutions. We provide bookkeeping services in Zagreb, tax consulting and technical support services.

Accounting Service can help entrepreneurs in solving everyday difficulties in doing business such as:

  1. Saving time: Bookkeeping in the cloud saves your time and provides the entrepreneur with the possibility of minimal participation in accounting tasks so that they can devote themselves to their business,
  2. Keeping track of rules and regulations: Accounting for the company keeps track of all the changes in the rules and regulations which change frequently. Professional knowledge and support are available to entrepreneurs in order to be fully compliant with the law,
  3. Possibility of error: Accounting errors can be reflected in fines or closure of business. An accounting service with experience and knowledge can lead to precision or minimal errors in accounting data.
  4. Tax: Tax laws can be complicated and difficult to understand. Entrepreneurs who have an experienced bookkeeping service have no problems in following and applying tax regulations, which ultimately results in correctly prescribed tax returns and avoiding fines.
  5. Business analysis: Bookkeeping is the collection and recording of financial data. With the help of quality bookkeeping, an entrepreneur can understand and analyze data, which can facilitate business decision-making,
  6. Data security: An accounting service helps secure data that contains sensitive information about a company's finances. With access to professional tools and mechanisms, entrepreneurs have the confidentiality and security of all data.
accounting service Zagreb

Advantages of hiring an accounting professional

A high level of expertise and quality of service is provided in bookkeeping by experienced and educated employees in the field of bookkeeping. Exceptional knjigovodstvo saves clients time and money in such a way that the entrepreneur really deals only with his business and is informed about tax benefits or ways to reduce costs. Professional knjigovodstvo prepares documentation for loans, arranges various papers and prepares information for competent authorities. Tax regulations and rules change every year, which results in constant improvement and adoption of new laws by the accountant.

Accounting services

There are three basic types for bookkeeping services which are an integral part of the overall financial management process:

Posting is the main process that involves the recording of financial transactions in accounting records. income, expenses, investments, transfers of funds and other financial events. The foundation for creating financial statements is created by monitoring and keeping accurate records of all financial changes in the business.

Another service is the preparation of financial statements, as an essential part of managing finances and making all business decisions. In this step, the balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement and capital change statement are created. All reports provide a complete overview of the company's financial situation, showing income, expenses, liquidity and profitability. By analyzing those reports entrepreneurs can better understand the state of their business and plan future activities.

Treća usluga je tax consulting, koje je od velike pomoći poduzetnicima u uskladi poreznih propisa i prilagodbi obvezama. Pravila i regulative prenose se pravovremeno poduzetnicima kako bi imali relevantne informacije o poreznim zakonima.

Porezno savjetovanje može pomoći u otkrivanju poreznih olakšica, analizi poreznih rizika i pisanju strategije za smanjenje poreznih troškova. Ova usluga pomaže poduzetnicima da ostanu usklađeni s poreznim propisima, minimiziraju porezne rizike i ostvare financijsku stabilnost uz uštede u porezima. Svaka od ovih knjigovodstvenih usluga ima važnu ulogu u cjelokupnom financijskom upravljanju poslovanjem. Prvo, knjiženje ima ključnu svrhu osiguravanja točnosti i preciznosti financijskih evidencija. Evidentiranje svih financijskih transakcija u knjigovodstvenim evidencijama omogućuje poduzetnicima praćenje svih financijskih promjena unutar njihovog poslovanja. Ovo je neophodno za izradu financijskih izvještaja koji će biti točni i pouzdani.

Knjigovodstvene usluge zagreb

How to choose a good accounting service?

Define the needs and expectations of the accountant. Learn about education and experience in bookkeeping services. You can also ask clients you know who can tell you what it's like to work with bookkeeping. Look for an accountant who has positive communication and will answer all your questions with understanding. If your accountant keeps you at a distance and is stiff with an extremely professional approach, it may be time to find an accountant who is closer and friendlier. The price of bookkeeping services varies from bookkeeper to bookkeeper and it is always wise to ask for more offers for services. The main thing is that you can trust your knjigovodstvo and that all modern solutions are used in today's business.

Business communication

You can base your success on business communication in contact with an expert bookkeeping and accounting that understands you as an entrepreneur and has the ability to convey quality information that can mean the reason on the basis of which you make decisions. Except that the accounting service as bookkeeping outside your environment must have reliable information and access that you understand, bookkeeping with experience maintains communication with different institutions such as eporezna, Hrvatski zavod za mirovinsko, Ministarstvo financija. Professionally bookkeeping for trades and companies whose accountant understands the entrepreneur at every moment and whose communication is clean and simple, it is the provision of quality and trust that you can rely on at every moment.

Cijena knjigovodstvenih usluga Zagreb

Bookkeeping services prices

If you were wondering how much they cost accounting services you must be aware that the services can be extensive and include every action that the accountant does for your company's business. Most often, the price of bookkeeping services is formed based on the size of the basic business, such as the number of employees and the number of invoices issued in one month. An example of prices for a bookkeeper in a company with one or two employees that sells clothing and has a local store with an annual turnover of around 60,000 euros per year is around 80 euros per month. Data Smart Company accounting services usually charges flat-rate tradesmen accounting services once a year at a price of around 80 euros.

Frequently asked questions:

What are bookkeeping services?

Accounting services deal with keeping financial records, preparing financial reports and monitoring transactions in the business operations of a business entity.

How to choose an accountant for your business?

When choosing an accountant, it is important to check experience, education, references and compliance with tax regulations. It is also important to consider whether the bookkeeping service fits your needs and whether you are getting the most for your money.

How much do accounting services cost?

The price of bookkeeping services depends on the amount of work, complexity and activity. It is best to get quotes from several accounting firms and compare prices and services.

How do bookkeeping services help manage tax liabilities?

Bookkeeping services are provided by professionals who are skilled in tax regulations. They are there to monitor and prepare tax documents, identify possible reliefs and help to fulfill tax obligations on time.

What types of financial statements do bookkeeping services provide?

Accounting services are a wide range of services that include the preparation of important financial statements. This includes the creation of key reports such as the balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement and statement of changes in capital. These financial statements provide detailed insight into the financial situation of the company and help analyze its success and growth. The preparation and correct interpretation of these reports are key to making informed business decisions and achieving financial stability and success.

What types of business entities can use bookkeeping services?

Bookkeeping services provide value to diverse businesses. Regardless of the size or type of business, such as small and medium-sized companies, sole proprietors, associations, non-profit organizations or other legal entities, bookkeeping is an important part of their financial management.

What are the advantages of automating bookkeeping services?

Automating bookkeeping services has tremendous benefits. This advanced technology enables faster and more accurate processing of financial data, resulting in a reduction in the possibility of errors. Also, automation facilitates access and analysis of financial information, which significantly increases the efficiency and productivity of business processes. Thanks to this innovative approach, companies can save valuable time and resources, while at the same time ensuring high quality bookkeeping services.

What are the legal obligations related to bookkeeping services?

When it comes to bookkeeping services, legal obligations depend on the legislation of the country and the specifics of the business. This means that companies are obliged to carry out certain activities in order to comply with the regulations. This may include the preparation of financial statements in order to obtain a clear picture of the financial situation, the obligation to pay taxes within the prescribed period, keeping accurate business books to monitor financial activity and fulfilling regulatory requirements that are essential for the proper operation of the company.

What are the advantages of outsourcing bookkeeping services?

When businesses decide to outsource bookkeeping services, the door opens to focus on their core business activities. This strategy allows them to redirect resources and time to what they do best, while reducing the costs that would otherwise be associated with hiring an in-house bookkeeper. In addition, outsourcing gives them access to the expertise and knowledge of experienced accountants, who are experts in their field. This allows businesses to rely on their expertise and experience to ensure accuracy and reliability in bookkeeping and compliance with tax regulations.

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