Posjeta web stranici slobodna je za sve posjetitelje i ne zahtjeva registraciju. Kontaktiranjem putem kontakt obrasca ili elektroničkom poštom posjetitelji ispunjavaju svoje podatke ime i prezime, e-mail adresu, broj telefona/mobitela.Podaci su dostupni isključivo zaposlenicima Datasmart j.d.o.o. kojima su upućeni u svrhu rješavanja upita. Osim Datasmart j.d.o.o. dostupni su i zaposlenicima Bitspero j.d.o.o. koja pruža usluge održavanja web stranica . Davanje osobnih podataka dobrovoljna je baza posjetitelja. Datasmart j.d.o.o., ne obrađuje više osobnih podataka no što je potrebno za odgovaranje na upit. Datasmart j.d.o.o., poštuje privatnost te osobne podatke obrađuje pošteno i zakonito. Datasmart j.d.o.o., osobne podatke sprema u elektroničkom obliku te u svrhu zaštite primjenjuje odgovarajuće tehničke, organizacijske i kadrovske mjere zaštite osobnih podataka i procedure radi sprečavanja neovlaštenog pristupa.Prilikom slanja elektroničke pošte (E-mail) osobne podatke identifikacije, u elektroničkoj pošti ili putem kontakt obrasca na web stranici , podatci se koriste isključivo u svrhu ispunjenja upita. Pruženi osobni podatci čuvaju se za vrijeme postojanja web stranice .Korisnik je ovlašten zatražiti informacije o osobnim podatcima koji se čuvaju u elektroničkoj pošti, korisnik je ovlašten tražiti i brisanje ili izmjenu osobnih podataka. Slanje zahtjeva za brisanje ili izmjenu osobnih podataka moguće je zatražiti slanjem mail-a na adresu podatci ne šalju se drugim primateljima. Web stranica sadrži linkove na druge web stranice. Pravila zaštite privatnosti na tim portalima mogu biti drugačija od Pravila zaštite privatnosti na .Zaštitu podataka Datasmart j.d.o.o. smatra ozbiljnom i koristi mjere opreza kako bi podaci bili zaštićeni, niti jedan prijenos podataka preko Interneta, ili bilo koje bežične mreže ne može biti 100% siguran.Datasmart j.d.o.o. provodi razumne zaštitne mjere za zaštitu podataka i ne jamči zaštitu bilo koje informacije prenesene na ili s Internet stranice te nije odgovorno za radnje bilo koje treće strane koja takve informacije primi.Ova web stranica koristi Google Analytics mjerenje analitike posjeta i pridržava pravo korištenja kolačića (engleski cookies) na web stranici .Kolačići su skup podataka koji služe kao anonimni identifikator kojeg web stranica koju korisnici posjećuju šalju u preglednik, pristupanjem pojedinoj stranici šalju se kolačići koji se pohranjuju na računalu i služe za zapis informacija o prethodnim sesijama (npr. Mjerenje pristupa stranicama ). Svakim pristupom na stranica traži kolačić kako bi učitala zapisane podatke. Kolačić ne sadrži osobne podatke, nego omogućuje brže i učinkovitije aktiviranje informacija, podataka i postavki koje su već prethodno pohranjeni prilikom pristupa i korištenja .Kolačićima na računalu ne može pristupiti neka internetska stranica koja nije dio web stranice

Datasmart j.d.o.o. monitors statistical visits to its pages exclusively for the purpose of obtaining necessary information about the readership of its pages and uses a third-party service called Google Analytics. Detailed third-party information about this service, as well as about the ability of users to regulate the cookie settings necessary for this, is available at: On the following links you can find information on how to change the settings for some of the most commonly used web browsers: Mozilla FirefoxGoogle ChromeMicrosoft Internet ExplorerApple SafariOpera. Neki preglednici Vam omogućuju surfanje u “anonimnom” načinu rada, ograničavajući količinu podataka postavljenih na vašem računalu i automatsko brisanje trajnih kolačića postavljenih na vaš uređaj kada završite sesiju pregledavanja. Postoje i mnoge aplikacije trećih strana koje možete dodati u preglednik da biste blokirali ili upravljali kolačićima. Možete i izbrisati kolačiće koji su prethodno bili postavljeni u vaš preglednik tako da odaberete opciju za brisanje povijesti pregledavanja i pritom uključite i opciju brisanja kolačića. Detaljnije informacije o kolačićima i podešavanje postavki preglednika možete pronaći na stranici zaštite Korisnika Datasmart j.d.o.o. može izmijeniti u bilo kojem trenutku objavljivanjem izmijena teksta na Internet stranici . Neslaganjem korisnika sa Politikom zaštite Korisnik može napustiti i ne koristiti Internetsku stranicu .Izmjena Politike zaštite Korisnika stupa na snagu odmah nakon objave na Internetskoj stranici . Nastavak uporabe Internetske stranice od strane Korisnika nakon stupanja na snagu izmjena, podrazumijeva da Korisnik potvrđuje i prihvaća izmijenjenu Politiku zaštite Korisnika.


On the website and other channels of communication with the market used by Datasmart j.d.o.o. and its employees, the names of other entities in state or private ownership (Croatian Chamber of Commerce), Croatian Employment Service (Croatian Agency for Small Business, Innovation and Investments), ministries, funds, trading companies, trades, commercial banks, family farms are listed , natural persons, etc.).In certain business relationships Datasmart j.d.o.o. participates as an Intermediary between Users of services provided by Datasmart j.d.o.o. and third parties whose services the User used/uses/intends to use measures for self-employment.

Datasmart j.d.o.o. third parties

Datasmart j.d.o.o. with third parties is not in a related relationship either ownership or management, and by specifying the names of entities in the services and products that Datasmart j.d.o.o. offers, as well as in communication with clients, potential users, partners, there is no purpose of unauthorized use of someone else's company, misleading advertising or the like. Names of third parties with which Datasmart j.d.o.o. is not in a direct business or related relationship, they are listed solely for the purpose of a detailed description of the services and products offered on the market by Datasmart j.d.o.o. as an Intermediary between the User of its own services and those of third parties, as well as for a more detailed explanation of the services and products that third parties can offer to the User. In accordance with these provisions, Users, as necessary, order a Datasmart j.d.o.o. offers the service of creating a business plan and written and oral business consulting. Datasmart j.d.o.o. undertakes not to disclose to third parties, without the User's consent, information that belongs to the User's business secret segment.

Prices of Datasmart j.d.o.o. services.

Prices of Datasmart j.d.o.o. services. they depend on the type of services needed by the User and differ from project to project. Based on the User's inquiry and assessment of the value of the service, Datasmart issues its Offer to the User. By accepting the Offer, the User also accepts the terms of payment for Datasmart j.d.o.o. services. and General Terms and Conditions. Unless otherwise agreed, Datasmart j.d.o.o. is not responsible financially or in any other way for the decisions of third parties with whom it is not related and in whose making it does not directly participate. Deadlines for performance of Datasmart j.d.o.o. services. they depend on the type of services needed by the User and differ from project to project. The term of execution of an individual service is calculated from the moment when the User Datasmart j.d.o.o. submit and present all necessary information and documents that Datasmart j.d.o.o. ask him to pay an advance payment of the total price of the service, unless the contracting parties agree otherwise. In case of late payment by the User, Datasmart j.d.o.o. in accordance with the legal provisions, reserves the right to calculate default interest. Follow-up actions on the creation of a business plan at the User's request and as necessary (corrections, adjustments, etc.), Datasmart j.d.o.o. will be calculated according to the valid hourly rate, unless otherwise agreed or if these actions are not the result of an omission by Datasmart j.d.o.o.. The user, before using the services of Datasmart j.d.o.o. refers to familiarization with the services and products of third parties that the Croatian Employment Service plans to use, and in case of any ambiguities and questions, additional consultation with Datasmart j.d.o.o. is recommended. Datasmart j.d.o.o. bears no financial or any responsibility for the case of incorrect information used for the purpose of providing its services, which was presented to it by the User of those services or any of its employees/associates. Datasmart j.d.o.o. undertakes to perform its services in accordance with the rules of the profession, which it guarantees to the Users of its services. Data Smart j.d.o.o. does not guarantee the speed of processing the creation of a business plan. Business plan prepared by Datasmart j.d.o.o. intellectual property of Datasmart j.d.o.o., and without the direct permission of Datasmart j.d.o.o. no corrections, adjustments, unauthorized copying, duplication and/or downloading of content from them are possible. Downloading of the business plan by the User as well as their direct submission to tenders for self-employment is possible only after closing all open items or receivables from Datasmart j.d.o.o. by the User, unless otherwise agreed. General business conditions of Datasmart j.d.o.o. can change it at any time by publishing the changed text on the website If the User does not agree with the General Terms of Business, we instruct the User to leave and not access or use the website The amendment of the General Terms and Conditions of Business shall enter into force immediately after publication on the website

Continued use of the website by the User after the changes come into force implies that the User confirms and accepts the amended General Terms and Conditions